Here's your opportunity to tell the Missoula Parks and Rec what you want from our Open Space in the future.
Parks and Rec is reworking their PROST planning document to better address the future needs of Missoulians. It's a value based plan: how should the city prioritize various aspects of open space space projects? What types of conservation and recreation are important?
Scroll for how to get involved.

Open Space is a crucial part of mountain biking in Missoula: working in tandem with Five Valleys Land Trust, it's the tool that has created a big part of recreation landscape we currently enjoy. Past projects have included key corridors that connect our neighborhoods to recreation areas: Mt Jumbo/Sound of Music, Mt Sentinel/MoZ, South Hills Spur.
If mountain bikers want more projects like these in the future, the city needs to hear about it from them.
MTBM staff and board attended the public hearing to advocate for mountain biking in this plan. The online comment period remains open until Feb. 28.
To give your comments:
First review the plan presentation
Then complete this form
MTB Missoula has a long history of maintenance on City lands and is fortunate to have a great partner in Missoula Parks and Rec. They've allowed flow-improving adustments on MoZ and gone out of their way to ensure permanent bike access to the South Hills Spur. Give them the feedback they need to keep planning for the growth of Missoula and mountain biking.