As the City of Missoula contemplates ownership of the High, Wide, and Handsome corridor on Mount Dean Stone, we hope that you will consider reaching out to your Ward Representatives and letting them know that you support more trails on City Open Space.
Right now, we're asking you to reach out to your City Council Ward Representatives and let them know that you support more trails on City land.

Your email can be short, sweet, and to the point. It doesn't need to be fancy. Here are some tips:
- Be polite!
- Stay focused on the issue: City ownership of High, Wide, and Handsome means more singletrack for Missoulians.
- Speak to how trails improve your life, health, or business!
Not sure who your Ward Reps are? That's ok!
Here is a Ward Map for Missoula.
And here is contact information for your Representatives.

A Note on Access: While we are extremely excited to share the new trail, please keep in mind that the trail is CLOSED to public access and is on private property until 2021. We need to secure public ownership before it can open!